Friday, May 23, 2014

AHW 5/22/14

So, I am running an experiment for Android KitKat, and I'm making a partition (a seperate section of a memory device, ex. Hard Drive or Solid State Drive) for 20 Gigabytes. I'm going to install Android on it, and test it out, and if I like it, and am okay with 20GB of space, I'll keep it, but only if it works, which it should.

If I keep it, it turns into a tri-boot, which is very dangerous, and confusing, but I'll figure it out, I'm still going to try to install Mac OS X, creating a quad-boot, which might be a maze to get to each partition, but may be pretty simple if I install a Hackintosh (what a computer is called when it has Mac OS but isn't a Macintosh itself) boot-loader (a program that easily selects different boot-able partitions) and hopefully it'll selectthe four different boot-able partitions, which would be pretty cool, but I think I'm going to hold off on the Hackintosh/Mac OS X idea for now, because a lot of the times the drivers don't work, and you need special programs to make them work, so for now, just Winodws 8.1 and Ubuntu, and maybe Android KitKat.

UPDATE: 2 O'Clock
So, Android failed, it was not recongized as boot-able through my flash drive. SO for now, I'm just going to stick with my fabulous dual-boot for, and do some research on Hackintosh, so I can install the correct drivers, and make sure its touchscreen compatible.

Another thing, one of the laptops Mr. Joseph had me bring home, I feel that if I upgrade the RAM to a Gigabyte or two, it should be able to run Ubuntu, the other one, the smaller WinBook, is a no go, and will probably have to be re-installed with Vista, or XP (ugh), on it.

In other news, I'm going to save up money to buy somethings on eBay, a screw-driver, and gameboy cartridge battery and a new laptop charger, and some awesome headphones (SkullCandy's), and then a nice Android Tablet, so that I can put Ubuntu on it, which looks really nice on a tablet. Maybe when the new Windows Surface Pro III comes out, that too, but currently, after I get the headphones, I'm gonna be working the money game.

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