Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Creepy Passage-Almost Done

"Wait, so we have to go to a different class?" I ask.
"Yes," said Mr. Joseph, "And bring a notebook."
'Great' I think.
I wait for my good friend, Logan, and he grabs one of the class notebooks, and we head to the classroom we have to be in. Logan, being a 'genius,' tells me that we could talk using our notebooks, kind of like the old, note-passing style.
So we are here, and earlier, I had given Logan a water bottle, so he was playing with it. After a little bit through our note conversation, Logan's water bottle, decided it would be fun to have the cap on wrong and burst open.
"Ahhh!!!!" I scream, scrambling on to my feet and running out of the room, it spilled on to my calf, and the sudden coldness gave me a sudden shock.
"What happened?" Logan wondered.
"You didn't tighten the cap enough." I explain. "Mr. J, can we go get some paper towel, Logan spilled water."
"Sure," He replies.

Me and Logan are heading to the office, to tell them that there is a spill in Mrs. Fitz's room.
"Ok. We'll send someone to go clean it up," says the lady at the office.
"Alright," Logan says.
"Come on Logan, let's go back to class," I say, and Logan follows me back to class, it turns out, we were already outside. Our goal was to zoom in with a pretend supper camera and write with very specific details.
Okay, let me explain, I'm Simon, and this is going to make you shiver.
And then I saw it, Logan saw it too, this one part if the hedge that just, stuck out. I am now zooming in, closer, closer, and now seeing all the details. In case you are wondering, this is what I wrote.

Even in the most beautiful and elegant day, it will intimidate you and even in the blazing heat of the summer, when you step into it, you will be chilled to the bone. In the dark, cooling shade, a few streams of light shine through the cracks of the tall, slender trees. There are vines and bushes at the bottom of the trees creating a thick, yellow and green blockade.
It looks like an entrance to something scary, hair-raising, spine-chilling, blood-curling, horrifying, nerve-racking and Halloween like. Almost like an abandoned mine, forbidden forest, or another dimension. It’s really scary, even though the things around it are more on the beautiful nature side.
If you were step under it, it would be very pokey and thick and hard to get through. It would be almost like the plants are trying to keep you from going out to the other side. Like it is trying to warn you, trying to keep you away from whatever may be ahead of you. Almost like a keep out sign, but no signs are there. Almost like a trap, but to keep you from danger, rather than trying to hurt you.
It looks this way because there is a light layer of leaves and behind it, everything has no leaves and dry branches. Dead. And plus, the most creepy part is that you can perfectly hear the magnificent call of the birds, which are known as crows, right there in the bone-chilling shade.

"Alright, lets go back inside guys," I hear a teacher scream, so then everyone started poring back inside into the room, to hear the teacher talk some more.
Now, I don't remember anything of what they said, but I Aced the assignment, and had a good time with my best friend, Logan, but that was the story, of 'The Creepy Passage.'