Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23 2014-Letter of Complaint-Draft

Dear     ,
     I am a student at Birmingham Covington School, in the Birmingham Public Schools Distract, and I have a complaint about the computers at our school. After April 8th, 2014, Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP, so our distract is updating our laptops and desktops to Windows 7, but the laptops hardware will probably be slow running Windows 7. Though if it isn't slow, I still think our distract need newer laptops. All of our laptops our slow, have old hardware, and are probably as old as Windows XP itself, so I think the school should get new Windows 7 laptops.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Letter of Complaint-April 21 2014

Dear     ,

     The majority of the schools computers run on Windows XP, which is a very old Operating System, made 12-13 years ago, and is no longer, as of April 8th, 2014, Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP in security updates, meaning the school is prone to hackers. Our distracts solution is to update to Windows Vista, which still isn't the newest, and is more of a Personal Computer, rather than a work or school Operating System. I think that our distract should update to a better system, like Windows 7 Professional, or Windows 7 Enterprise. If the school did that, the computers would run faster and cleaner, and would have a current, still supported, work/school qualified Windows 7 Operating System.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Over Break (Part 1)

     Over break, me and my brother were outside, having fun, and he was riding my electric scooter (so lame) and I was riding his longboard.
     So as I'm riding down the street a car is coming, so I rear over to the left side of the street. So I'm just cruising, and then out of nowhere, this huge pothole (I couldn't see it from where I was), small enough for anything BUT a skateboard. So the wheels fall into the pothole, and flings me foreword. My knees bend, and my right knee hits the ground first, next is my left elbow, and my head lightly touches the ground, but my glasses got bent.
     I lay on the ground saying over and over again "F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k, F**k...," as my brother tries to help my up. He tries to drag me off the street, but it hurt my knee.
     So then I hop on my lame electric scooter, and ride home, with my leg hanging off, and everytime the scooter kind of randomly braked and then went on again, it hurt my elbow.
      After that, I sat down at my dinner table, and ate dinner, and then I started to feel better, I almost broke my leg and arm, but now I'm fine. Wow, What day.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Letter of Complaint Topic List 4/4/14

  • Humans
  • Not a Lot of Having Money
  • Roads Being Bad
  • Having Bad Computers at School
  • iOS 7 being slow on older devices
  • Windows 8 not being able to start up on other devices to install different OS's
  • Computers costing to much
  • Kids needing jobs but can't get them